Photographer - Grass Tso
A Beautiful Wedding in Vancouver.
Venue : university woman's Club of Vancouver at Hycroft

Photographer - Grass Tso
A Beautiful Wedding in Vancouver.
Venue : university woman's Club of Vancouver at Hycroft
Discover a romantic journey between Sha Wan Drive and Central Hong Kong, capturing love amid the harmony of nature and cityscape
Read MoreCaptured the warm, rustic charm of a Canadian farm in this beautiful maternity and family photoshoot. Surrounded by open fields and the simplicity of nature, these moments embrace family, anticipation, and joy in an idyllic countryside setting
能夠為自由率性嘅你哋拍攝,我也能夠放低壓力, 盡力為你哋記錄每一刻. 連我自己都開心起嚟:)
123cheese couple - Gun + Draw
Photographer -@grasstso @him_123cheese
Videographer - @partofyou_123cheese
MUA - @kara_annacreation
Band - @wkend_official
Venue - @theoakshk
Photographer: @grasstso